Co-Founder in BeSpace GmbH and Rapid Cubes GmbH. Professor for Satellites and Drone Systems with specialization in Space-Ready AI IoT and SatCom
Co-Founder of BeSpace GmbH and managing director of the MSE program at TU-Berlin. Expert in Space Electronics, Satellites systems and Space Ed-Tech with specialization in Space Robotics.
Senior AI expert with industry experience in Europe as software engineer and Technology Lead. Recent research focus on mixed-initiative interactive medical systems.
Humanitarian and development expert experienced in emergencies, refugees, migration, and livelihoods. Program Associate and Vice President at WFP-UN Egypt staff association board.
Infrastructure and Smart Cities advisor, skilled in urban planning, transportation, and energy management, with experience in public and private sectors.
Salutes Space UG Adolfstraße 1 65185 Wiesbaden Deutschland
+49 1733 894760